Tuesday, 21 February 2012


 We have Bobby, an affectionate and cuddly four-year-old greyhound, staying with us on a pro-bono basis, whilst a new family is being found for him. He is a rescue dog with a sweet nature, he enjoys being part of our pack. He has filled-out a bit since the summer when the photos were taken.

If you know of any likely new homes (without cats), please let us know. 

A great thing about greyhounds is they pack a lot of energy into their walks then crash out until the next meal. To a lesser extent the same is true of lurchers and related breeds.

Today we also are looking after a pair of nutty spaniels, trouble is they are working dogs in what seems to be a time of high spaniel unemployment (the government cuts)?  They are not really house pets. If there were some way to utilise their energy a couple of power stations could be decommissioned.

Rocco has retreated to his Office. This is the back seat of our car, a good place to chill out and keep an eye on the neighbourhood cats. It is called the Office as at one time or another he has heard Judy or myself say we are ‘going to the office’ then driving off, so in lurcher logic, the car must be The Office.

I wrote the above yesterday. Least you think that the canine hospitality trade is all sweetness and light, no sooner had I finished, the day took a turn for the worse. I picked-up two other dogs, both emergency bookings, a visuala and a boxer, both about three years old. I met-up with Judy for the afternoon walk which went well. Bobby had the pack racing around us - we were encircled covered wagons, threatened by apache attack.

Judy went back to work after the walk, back home it transpired the recent arrivals were Montague and Capulet, (‘You bite your thumb at me sir?’) The spaniels enjoyed raising the temperature as boxer faced up to Visula and visa versa. I went through a full repertoire of distraction, fascination, persuasion and it must be said resorted to providing Danegelt. Rocco, Mooli and Bobby had slunk off to smoke a packet of Silk Cut behind the bike sheds. 

In the evening after the spaniels had been collected, things calmed down and the erstwhile foes became best friends. They slept the night with adjacent baskets.

Throw the ball, Throw the ball, go on throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, go on throw the ball, Throw the ball, go on throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, go on throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, go on throw the ball, Throw the ball, Throw the ball, go on throw the ball... 

Today we have been joined by charming spaniel puppy (not the dog above) who is one of those sweeties convinced their allure will be immeasurably increased but a long roll in fox poo. I am not sure which of us got more soaked in the subsequent shampooing. She now smells of both fox poo and lavender. Bless.

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