Thursday 8 March 2012

Unseasonable Christmas post

Santa's little helper
The addition of three guests to our Christmas last year meant is was a very festive occasion. Two of them are old friends and for one it was her first Christmas and like most first
Christmas-ers the wrapping paper was a major attraction.

They played a full part in helping gather the holly from the common, in decorating the tree and opening the gifts, (don't mention the carol singing). They would have liked to have contributed more to the preparation of the food and the feasting but sadly we have to take regard for special diets and for one particular waistline. The noise from the first cracker we pulled was all too alarming so we still have a box of crackers sitting on top of the fridge. ‘Why,’ asks Phoebe ‘don’t the RSPCA market a range of silent fireworks for dog owners?’

All the guests had their own wrapped-up presents which got swapped and swapped back several times.

But I asked for a squirrel

Decorating the tree
 A few years back Mooli spent Christmas with us. Inevitably he sniffed out an unguarded box of liqueur chocolates and scoffed the lot, coloured silver paper and all. I can’t remember if it was his moaning or the discovery of the looted box but there was an emergency dash to Medivet where the poor fellow had his stomach pumped.          He would do the same again, so it must have been worth it.

Most photos taken by Phoebe.
Opening the presents
Mine all mine
Year before last - Seth orders breakfast

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